Welcome to Temple of the Queens

A community for female Pyramid Temple flame keepers - sacred business owners.

"The world will be saved by the western woman." 

Dalai Lama

I believe His Holiness was talking about us -

YOU and ME!

This is THE VILLAGE you are looking for…

I am a business creation doula.

I guide you through the 9-month-long journey of birthing your dream into the physical, bringing it from seed (the dream planted in you) to the energetic template plugged into the Net(work) of Light Temples.

But then what?

We all need a village of like-minded and like-Hearted (same Soul frequency) sisters to tend to the fire of our Temples and keep expanding its impact, visibility, field, and energetic pay-off. This part is as much about maintaining the energetics as it is about navigating the entrepreneurial journey together.

We take the core principles of The Pyramid Codes and anchor our templates in the physical. We focus on growing your business in a sustainable way, making smart choices, clarifying your message, building Heart offers, bringing in Universal abundance.


π“‹Ή You are supported.

𓆙 You are guided.

𓆃 You are a part of the Net(work) of Light.

What is Temple of the Queens?





Why is it needed?

The path of service and sacred entrepreneurship is full of flashing signs that try to suck you back into the lowest expression of 3D masculine business structures, robbing you of your sovereignty and throwing you into forgetfulness. 

Our soft feminine side wants to run and hide, making excuses for us to avoid sharing our voice and gifts.

Our etheric/virtual Temple space counteracts that.

This Temple space is an energetic container that reminds you why you are here. It reminds you to believe in the power greater than you so that it can keep fueling your Soul mission-based business.

Its human and Spirit guides remind you how to get there. We hold the frequency of the Pyramid Net(work) for all willing to strengthen their connection with the forces available to us and plug fully into Source.

Our virtual Temple space provides:

🌱 A safe space to nurture self as the sacred business temple flame keeper;

πŸ— An opportunity for deeper exploration and connection to your why, authentic presence, and sovereignty;

🌟 A container for personal gift activation and expansion;

πŸš€ Empowerment, encouragement, and gentle motivation so you can keep going, evolving, expanding, and not quit;

πŸ“š A business education center with monthly training on new tools, technologies, and access to guest teachers/guides;

🌐 Networking and Mastermind of feminine Soul-led business owners of the same frequency and belief systems around business for co-creation and birthing new ideas;

✨ Energetic support and guidance from The Pyramid Codes Spirit team;

🌞 A mentor, coach, intuitive guide 100% committed to you and our journey.

Who is this for?

This sacred container brings together women who choose to live with deep devotion to sharing their gifts with the world while honoring their own rhythms and seasons. We are here to remind each other of our genius/gifts, encourage, collaborate, nurture, support, and activate.

  • Are you a Soul mission-based business owner, a female entrepreneur committed to the path of service and healing (be it through your words, creations, experiences, teachings, healing modality, birthing new technologies, organizations)? 

  • Are you a visionary and/or a creative soul? Do you feel called to ignite, inspire, support others?

  • Are you a healer guiding others on their healing path? 

  • Are you a mentor/ teacher/ coach/ guide working to shift collective consciousness? 

  • Are you a woman on fire about building a movement and ushering change?

  • Are you a wise woman, choosing slow and mindful living, longing to shine more Light into the world through your sacred work?

  • Do you feel called to embody Love, share your Truth, and surrender fully to the path of service you are called to? 

If so, this Temple is for you!

Who is it NOT for?

If you are looking for support in starting your Soul-led business, please check out the Empowered Creation program that provides a much deeper level of support and resources.

"Gather the Queens. A Queens council. Gather your wombs to explode Love into the world."

Queen Nefertari,

Abu Simbel Temple, December 2023

The Spirit Guides and energetic space holders for this Temple space are the powerful and majestic Queens who encouraged the creation of this container. During my trip to Egypt in December 2023, the Queens came to me. 

Queen Hatshepsut and Nefertari stepped forward as mentors for this future group. They each left an indelible mark on ancient Egyptian civilization. They worked with different energies, consciousness, and human life circumstances. Yet, both of their legacies live on thousands of years later.

I want you to know that we will be guided and supported along the way. The whole of the Egyptian pantheon, galactic consciousness, beings of the highest Light, ancestors, angels, and Source itself are with us, supporting this work and community. 

When I said "YES" to bringing through the teachings of The Pyramid Codes, I made a commitment to guiding others on the journey of creation and birthing the new world. I am so excited to be walking this path with you, dear sister! Welcome!

Apprentice with the Pyramid Codes guides + our Council of Queens

Together, we rise!


π“‹Ή Sacred leadership and commitment to all of Life

𖀓 Being a Soul-led/Heart-Powered visionary and creative

π–¦Ή Co-creating with Source in all things life + business

𓇒𓆸 Assuming the role of a vessel that births New Earth

𓆃 Bringing joy and playfulness to the path of service

Jim Rohn famously said, β€œYou're the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

This is even more true when it comes to business and energetics! I genuinely believe that the resonance of those with whom we surround ourselves shapes us and our paths. 

I also believe we came here to co-create and birth the new world/Heaven on Earth together. We were never meant to do this alone! We are here to activate each other. We are here to strengthen the Net(work) that we are all plugging into.

My prayer is for this space to act as a co-creation incubator with the Divine and each other.


The Details

(1) Access to all content created for this container

Energetic transmissions + activations, workshops + programs under The Pyramid Codes umbrella for established businesses.

(2) Monthly Coaching/ Mastermind Conversations

Group circle calls every 3rd Wednesday of the month + library of recordings. PLUS extra Guest Expert calls and workshops.

(3) Forum community and co-creation boards

Troubleshooting, guidance + support, networking, project co-creation, peer reviews, co-working hour, cross-promotion.

(4) Signal App Group Messenger

Private messenger group for daily interaction.

(5) Vault of Business Materials

Library of resources, templates, workflows, etc.

(6) Exclusive Offers + Invitations

Retreats, Earth Keeper travel, surprises!

Join me in Temple of the Queens!

Founding Member Special Price

This is a ONE-TIME PAYMENT LIFETIME membership. 

There are no other fees.

Whatever this grows into over the next 50 years (there is no stopping me!), you are grandfathered in at the price you choose to pay today.

The fee structure is β€œpay what you can / what your business + life situation allows.”

This sliding scale model is adapted from Worts+Cunning Green Bottle Model.



You are struggling to get ahead in your business and life. Paying less would allow you to start saving, worry less about bills, and allow your nervous system to relax.


You cannot pay the full price at the moment. Your basic needs are met, but you have very little expendable income. You can take a vacation annually without a financial burden.


You are comfortable, all of your needs are met, you have savings, and your income is stable and growing (business or other sources of income). By paying this price you are allowing for this financial flexibility to exist.