How the Pyramid Codes found me…

For months, I have been saying, "I feel like I am supposed to crack this whole sustainable Heart-led business code." I felt that there is a code - without fluff and with clear structure - to build these businesses we dream of. The New Earth businesses that lead to abundance, freedom, the flow of creativity and our Divine expressions. I have the deepest desire to grow a business that lasts and keeps expanding as my own consciousness expands. And the codes came. Oh...did they come?!

The codes didn't just trickle through me; it came like a flood in a matter of days. It was a download, a gift that keeps on giving. More keeps coming and getting downloaded. If I have a question, it is answered. If I am unsure, with newfound clarity, the picture is revealed. The clarity for it was what I was praying for. I kept asking for a guide, but all along, I was the guide. I just wasn't allowing all the codes to flow and integrate within me. I was fighting the final ego battles with my business. The shift is palpable, and it will be for you, too. 

What are these Codes?

The Pyramid Codes teach us how to become masters of this reality. They teach us how to engage with energy and spiritual technology and play with magic to create impact and generate abundance for ourselves and our families. The first thing you need to know is you are so supported. Your mission is supported by the guides and the higher power. You are supported by our community and our network. When we create for the highest good of all, our abundance is guaranteed. We just need to rewire those pesky beliefs, clear the pathways, build smart structures, and connect to the flow of giving and receiving. Yes, "JUST."

You will learn all of this. You will learn how to manage energy. You will learn how to see through reality and situations.

The Pyramid Codes teachings are a blueprint for operating in this world both as a creator on a personal level and as a business.


π“‹Ή How to bring Spirit through into our work.

π“‚€ How to bridge physical and spiritual realities.

𓇼 How to anchor your business into the Net.

𓇒𓆸 How to use all the spiritual technology to your advantage.

𓆃 How to receive. How to share. How to co-create.

𓆣 How to shift into the frequency of the visionary for New Earth.

And so much more…

Hello, beautiful courageous Soul.

I am Kat. I am a channeler of galactic consciousness, ancient wisdom teacher, and business mentor for New Earth paradigm business owners.

The Pyramid Codes came as the answer to MY prayers. As a serial entrepreneur and no stranger to burn-out, I was ready to run my Soul mission-based business differently. The Pyramid Codes came to rewire me (and all of us) and to guide Lightworkers/ healers/ creatives/ wayshowers/ impact-makers/ Spiritual entrepreneurs to disconnect from the matrix and plug us into the Net.

The Pyramid Codes is a subsidiary of my main company, Heart-Powered Living. HPL is dedicated to guiding spiritual seekers to live from the Heart. Through it, I work with individuals, groups, and organizations to shift humanity from living ego-driven lives to becoming glorious embodiments of our Souls. The Pyramid Codes is an extension of this work with a focus on the entrepreneurial journey.

Through The Pyramid Codes, I guide women to build thriving business temples that are powered by greater intelligence and force. Together, we create impact and abundance and shift our beloved planet into a new reality.