Empowered Creation

Birthing your Dream Soul-led Business with the Year-Long Group Council Journey

As women on the spiritual path, there comes a time when the nudges of our Souls and the dreams of our Hearts get too large to ignore. We reach a place on our personal expansion journey when the inner voice says, "It is time for you, too, to lead, share your gifts and wisdom, be more visible, speak your truth, and claim your creator power." And you KNOW it is time to launch a business - a New Earth business! But you have no idea where to start.

Or maybe you have an idea. But you don’t take action. Yet, it doesn’t make the desire disappear. Perhaps you even tried and stalled or failed.

All the doubts. The overwhelm. Fear of failure. Fear of judgment. Fear of being seen. The old masculine structures of competition, pushing, controlling. Maybe even fear of success. The impostor. The perfectionist. The procrastinator. Is this even possible? Do I have what it takes? I am here to tell you - YES, it is, and YES, you do! I am here to be your BUSINESS DOULA helping you BIRTH YOUR DREAM - your Soul mission-based business!


But between trying to keep it all things together at home, job, managing the kids' schedules, and perhaps even an unsupportive partner, is this even possible?

Is this you?

β˜† Are you toying with sharing your Soul gifts with the world?

β˜† Have you been dreaming of starting a soul mission-based business?

β˜† Could you benefit from being supported by a mentor and a group of women cheering you on?

β˜† Is your Soul nudging you to step into the role of healer, creator, guide, mentor, coach, teacher, or leader?

β˜† Does entrepreneurship, 3D tasks, systems, marketing plans, and all things behind-the-scenes terrify you?

β˜† Do you cringe at the conventional methods of running a business or lack-based pushy marketing teachings?

β˜† Are you overwhelmed with the idea? Want to quit before you even begun?

Please, read this…

If you take anything from reading this, I want you to bring this one thing into your body...

"You are a CREATION PORTAL. In fact, you are THE creation portal.

As women we are equipped to birth Souls into the physical - A SOUL in a physical body! Part of your design is to be able (if you desire!) to birth Souls and so much more! You are here to birth new concepts, technologies, healing modalities, beauty, words, sound, teachings, and whatever your Heart desires. You are a powerful Creator being - the most powerful walking this planet."

Council Member Testimonials

Chances are you did not sign up to be an entrepreneur. And your passion and gifts lie elsewhere. You simply want to answer your mission/purpose calling. And this is why an experienced guide and a collaborative council of women walking this path together is essential! Together we rise!

I know for sure after starting THREE BUSINESSES (1st failed. 2nd blew up, and I sold it. 3rd is dedicated to helping you - this one!) and helping dozens of others to do the same, that COMMUNITY is everything.


  • Keep procrastinating and delaying. 

  • Stay stuck in disconnection from Source and the consciousness you are here to birth.

  • Doubt and sabotage yourself!

  • Spend another year dreaming but not creating. 

  • Feel like alone while pushing and controlling your way through this journey that is supposed to bring joy and expansion.

  • Waste $1000s on individual pieces (social media, funnels, branding, coaching, etc) without ever seeing the full picture!

  • Stay stuck in the same mindset loops, spinning wheels and getting nowhere.

  • Feeling like there isn't enough time and time is running out.

  • Kicking yourself for not joining us. This program only opens once a year - September start!


  • Be held and supported through the discovery so you can hit the ground running with proven tools, structures, skills, when ready!

  • Feel safe to rely on an energetic Net that fosters your accelerated spiritual growth and that of your business.

  • Have a supportive community (A NETWORK!) and mentor to lean on.

  • Connect to the energetics of your business and learn to work in quantum stretching time and create with ease.

  • Clear the subconscious blocks, abundance/ lack stories.

  • Learn to execute ideas into creation that generates income and impact. 

  • EXPAND in your energetic gifts - this program is, above all else, about quantum New Earth business. 

Message from Our Council Deva

"You are not alone in your desires and struggles. When you remember that you are all one, all working on the same team - the team of Light - you will see how energetically powerful this container can be. You are joining forces, adapting codes that fuel the birth of new mission-driven enterprises, healing each other, stepping into your power and radiance, and claiming your birthright - abundance. You will see that the ball of energy generated by this group can pave the path for ease for all who follow and create a wave of great impact. Isn't that why you all here?"

Join Our Collaborative Council Journey

Join Our Collaborative Council Journey

This program is PORTAL

Your entrepreneurial journey is 1/3 Mindset, 1/3 Energetics, and 1/3 Execution. And 100% community! During your time in this container, you will become a master of your energy, the energy of creation, and quantum business energy. You will be supported to work through all that prevents you from rising up the expansion spiral. The framework and support will guide you to begin sharing your story, inviting others into your gifts, growing your visibility, and organizing the inner workings of your business with ease.

You emerge on the other side confident, motivated, clear, and on fire to show up and keep creating in your Pyramid Temple in service to others

Am I a Good Candidate?

YOU HAVE TO dig deep and see if there is a fire inside that wants to build something, pour your unique medicine into it, and increase your sphere of influence and impact.

YOU HAVE TO have a deep desire to have a business that is NOT a hobby or a side thing that you HOPE one day moves into full-time income.

YOU HAVE TO be ready to once and for all break free from that pesky voice in your head that makes excuses, tells you that you don't have what it takes, tries to find ways out, and keeps you playing small.

YOU HAVE TO be willing to play with your multidimensionality, learning about the energetics of business, portals, power, and cooperation with your business guide/Spirit while taking daily action.

HAVE QUESTIONS? Schedule a call.

What you will receive

  • Quantum Pyramid Codes Business Framework Self-Study Course - Nine modules of video lessons, transmissions, workbooks, energetic activations, templates, systems, and more! The new module is released on the 1st of the month. You have until our first call of the month to watch the main lesson teachings and begin homework. (Note: Not everything has to be completed by the call!)

  • 2 Group Coaching/Mentoring Calls a Month during September - May Modules (18 calls total) - Our 2-hour LIVE ON ZOOM calls take place on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Calls begin @12pmEST/11amCST/9amPST. If you are not able to attend, all recordings are provided. Our time together is split between group coaching, mentoring, answering all questions, mindset rewiring, strategy, celebrations, AND the big energetic activations that happen when we come together in a circle.

  • ADDITIONAL 3 Calls in the Summer Months - June-August 2025 - The calls are here to support you through the off-rhythm months and to keep the power of the group spiral energy going. We focus on adjustments, resets, planning, energetics, and integration.

  • 5 brilliant guest mentors sessions with Q+A and invaluable teachings

  • Monthly Guided Partner Calls - Partner work ranging from Dyad meditations to intuitive strategy sessions. Different partner every time! Call time up to partner availability but will take place during the 3rd week of the month. This is your opportunity to learn from each other, feel the magic that magnetized you into this program, and witness each other’s evolution.

  • Carefully Curated Rituals + Ceremonies to reinforce and magnify your connection to the Quantum/Unseen world.

  • Virtual Half-Day Summit - At the course halfway point, FOUR hours of all things business energetics, execution, and collaboration. 

  • A guaranteed spot at our group retreat (details pending, cost of the retreat not included in program costs)

  • Private Group Messaging inside SIGNAL app with M-F daily support. 

  • Supportive Community Circle of Soul Nourishing Friends and Cheerleaders - circle is at the core of this work and you will feel it’s power and support carrying you through.

  • Discounted Rate for 1:1 Session w/Kat - Additional Support (50% off!)


Regular Price: $7,777

Early Bird Pricing: $5,555


Payment Plans Available!

6 Payments of $966 or 12 Payments of $488

Pay-in-Full Perks

  • A GIFT: 90-minute 1:1 Private Session with Kat


My WHY for this Program

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to schedule a quick call.


This program is not like any other business "school," and our curriculum reflects that.

I may be a business mentor, but above all else, I honor my own energetic gifts, rest, and the New Earth ways. I do not buy into the hassle culture, inauthentic connection/networking, or lack-based marketing.

I watch magic happen daily! I witnessed how when the spiral inside the Pyramid temple is turned on; people are magnetized into my offers. I work with a whole team of guides to deliver exactly what you need in the moment. The Pyramid Codes teaches us to plug into the unseen support Net(work) and I am here to guide you on that journey.


Module 1 - ALIGNMENT (September)

Are you ready to turn the lights ON in your Pyramid Temple? Become proficient and confident in the fundamentals of your Pyramid energetic template. Mindset work focuses on overcoming resistance to sharing and any fears around it will shift you into a space of confidence and inner alignment. Marketing component will help you get clear on how you want to start telling your story. Get clear on what steps you can begin to take NOW before the business is fully launched as you start building the solid foundation.

Module 2 - ESSENCE (October)

The goal of this month is to give you clarity around your vision, voice, essence-based branding, feeling you want to create for anyone who enters your Pyramid Temple. We craft your story in a way that is compelling, inviting, and effective. Your story and your unique voice are what will magnetize others to you. Mindset work will reveal if there is fear of judgment and being seen fully for all of your gifts and authenticity.

Module 3 - CREATION (November)

The energy of the spiral within the group and individual temples amps up during this month. The curriculum teaches the energetics of creation and becoming one with the process. The marketing component will leave you clear on who you are searching for and what their journey looks like. Your website begins to come to life. Mindset work reveals any hidden worthiness or impostor programs we work through together.

Module 4 - ABUNDANCE (December)

As we enter the holiday season, the focus shifts to abundance! This module takes you deep into your own beliefs and programs around all things your ability to receive and hold money. It invites you to vision for yourself and your Pyramid Temple. Marketing focus is on pricing, selling, and accounting. The mindset component will address your resistance to inviting people to work with you and all things fear of sounding sales. This watery month invites us to reclaim our abundance and step into the new calendar year with a new energetic template.

Module 5 - STRUCTURES (January)

Structures, systems, simplicity, all things Earth are the themes of this module. Execution of your ideas comes into focus! You will learn everything from time management to how you move through the waves of your energy. The marketing component approaches the welcome experience via newsletter or freebie/lead magnet creation. If the mindset component we clear inaction, lack of motivation, and fear of success or failure.

Module 6 - NETWORKING (February)

The previous months prepared you and your temple for energetic and physical collaboration and co-creation. As the foundation of your business grows in power and structure, you begin to see the greater vision - one of netowkring with other temples and weaving magic toegther. Get clear on your strategies for networking, ethics, and alignment, and clear any competition or comparison programs. A marketing skill to master now is the not-so-scary SEO.

Module 7 - FLOW (March)

The journey your clients (your Soul family) ware taken on as they climb the spiral staircase of your Pyramid Temple is beginning to become illuminated. We are going to be examining different business systems and set-ups that create more flow and free up your time. The marketing component examines ads, launching, templates, and getting inexpensive help where it is truly needed. While mindset work deconstructs some of the beliefs that keep you stuck in lack and avoidance. Flow gets built into your client's experience and your own.

Module 8 - LEGACY (April)

Every month, we are guided by a different guide. This month, we have a very special consciousness with us, one that walked this path in human form and built not just a business but revived an empire. You will step into the embodiment of a true leader of Light by working through the mindset and energetics. Our focus is on monetization, refining language, consistency, skills, expansion, corporate world influence, and amplifying impact.

Module 9 - QUEEN CODES (May)

Our final module builds in time for integration while focusing on planning for the future (especially summer) so that rest and time with loved ones can be the main priority. The mindset component focuses on FOMO, fear of abandonment, and staying motivated. In marketing, we cover batching, incorporating lifestyle sharing, and using this time as the VOID to return in September with reignited fire and drive.

SUMMER - June, July, August

Summer months can be hard with travel and kids' activities. Think of the support offered in these three months as a Mastermind. We meet once a month for 90 minutes of sharing, collaborative work, energetics, and all things solutions. Accountability for both resting outside of Pyramid Temple and continuing with the energetics, sharing, and creation within your business is essential in keeping the flame alive and your vision magnifying even when you are not actively tending to it.

About Katerina

Hi there! I am Kat. I am a channeler of galactic consciousness, ancient wisdom teacher, and business mentor for New Earth paradigm business owners (and a mom of two magical children). The Pyramid Codes came as the answer to MY prayers. As a serial entrepreneur and no stranger to burnout, I was ready to run my Soul mission-based business differently. 

I started my career in advertising and marketing strategy, first at a giant ad agency and then in-house. I worked in the tech industry in business development, project management, and design. I quit the corporate world in 2010 to build my first business. I learned so much in these 14 years of entrepreneurship! My most recent business exploded overnight (think Today Show and Joanna Gaines). I sold that company in 2018. 

In 2020, I started Heart-Powered Living. HPL is dedicated to guiding spiritual seekers to live from the Heart. Through it, I work with individuals, groups, and organizations to shift humanity from living ego-driven lives to becoming glorious embodiments of our Souls. The Pyramid Codes is an extension of this work with a focus on the entrepreneurial journey. 


  • It depends on where you are on your journey (both in business and personal expansion). If you are in the beginning stages, this container will be perfect.

    If you have a thriving established business AND you feel fully connected and in your power, this may not the right fit. Please don't hesitate to schedule a quick call to see if this is right for you.

  • It is for WOMEN ONLY! As a mother (especially with school-age children), you face a unique set of mindsets and time constraints. I believe, as a human in this situation, I am uniquely positioned to guide others through this experience.

    In our first cohort, we had mothers of college aged kids and women in their early 30's without kids. It worked beautifully. The right Souls are magnetized together.

  • Yes, there is a 6-month payment and 12-month payment plan available.

  • Yes. Please schedule a 30-minute call to discuss if this is right for you.

  • Your results are entirely up to you. I am giving you the energetic and physical framework, guidance based on running businesses, intuitive mentorship and advice, mindset coaching, templates, systems, resources, and all the things you need to make it as successful as you desire. It is up to your level of involvement with the program, your INTENTIONS, your energetic work, and your grit when it comes to doing all things business and not just creation that you may enjoy.

  • Group calls are on Tuesdays - 2nd and 4th week of each month. 12pmEST/11amEST/9amPST. If you cannot attend, recordings are posted same day.

    Partner calls are to take place during the 3rd week of each month - time is up to you and your partner.