Ancient Mystery Temple meets Modern Business Mastery School

Helping spiritual entrepreneurs, leaders, visionaries, creators, healers, and mystics build Soul mission-driven businesses.

New Era is Here…

We are entering a new era where unconscious ways, unaligned with the flow of Life, will no longer be supported.

And even if they were, would you choose control over flow, dear one?

We are being invited to build businesses around cooperation and co-creation, not just with other humans in the collective but with the energies and intelligence of the Earth and Higher Consciousness/Source.

✴ Do you feel called to experience the full power of creation?

✴ Do you dream of birthing your dreams into reality?

✴ Are you here to birth the New Earth - Heaven on Earth?

The teachings provide an energetic structure of sacred geometry for us to birth creation and New Earth into being.

The Pyramid Codes is a blueprint for building and running Soul-led/ Soul mission-based businesses.

The Framework

  • Energetics is at the top of the pyramid because, to me, it is the most important piece in a Soul-led business. This goes beyond connecting to the Soul of the business. Your business is an energetic entity. Your job is to anchor it in the physical. The geometry of your business is a pyramid (a double pyramid actually - an octahedron), and its quantum template is plugged into a Net(work) that is directly supported by Source. Just as we are shifting our focus towards quantum mind and body healing, we are being invited to become quantum business creators and flow with the universal WATERS.

  • As female entrepreneurs without training or experience in the field, there is a slew of limiting beliefs, ego narratives, fears, programs, and looks that creep up when you start and grow your business. Many of us will find spiritual justifications or even blame it on the feminine approach, but the truth is it's all part of our controlling subconscious. Imposter, unworthy, competitive, comparing, fear of failure or success, fear of being seen, resistance to selling, among many others, need to be examined and healed so that one moves forward as an empowered, free, and expanded creator. Let's clear the AIR!

  • Execution, strategy in communication, time management, project management systems, sales channels...reading this you may be thinking, "This is the masculine side of business I do not like." But the truth is it is the masculine framework that allows the feminine to flow with more ease. This is the EARTH element that organizes your creation and grounds it in the physical. Without it, we are throwing ideas at the wall, hoping something sticks. Without it, we are always trying new strategies, not staying in our power. Without it, we are not giving ourselves a chance to come into full bloom. A temple flame keeper tends to the structure EARTH and the fire of creation.

  • I use Heart here but please feel free to replace with Source, God, Goddess, Universe, Love or whatever resonates. Every decision we make in our business, no matter how logical in nature, needs to pass through the filter of the Heart. We are growing new paradigm businesses. They are inherently powered by the Divine. We are being asked to learn to channel creation in its purest form and create not just for financial gain but for the sake of service, solutions that are needed, collective and planetary healing, and our own consciousness expansion. You received the seeds for this idea because you are uniquely equipped to birth it. Only you can continue to channel this FIRE of creation, Divine inspiration, as a pure channel of love.

About the Codes

The Pyramid Codes Spiritual Technology came to us when female healers, lightworkers, and creators were praying for a different way of creating impact and abundance in life. The Codes came as a reminder, a blueprint and set of teachings for a new way of interacting with the the concept of business enterprise. They came to help us relearn how to build businesses that create impact for the world and abundance for us and our families. They came to teach us how to create a life of freedom without burnout. They came to empower us to step into our creator roles fully.

Infusion of Magic

The primary focus of this work is to reconnect you to your creator power. The program came with a set of blueprints, guides, frameworks, energetic templates, transmissions, rituals, and group activations. It is all here to help you claim your abundance birthright in a very tangible way. This is where the physical meets magic. We are bringing energy magic into the outdated business practices. We are building New Earth temples.

β˜† Have you been dreaming of starting a soul mission-based business?

β˜† Do you cringe at the conventional methods of running a business or lack-based pushy marketing teachings?

β˜† Are you overwhelmed with the idea? Want to quit before you even begun?

The Pyramid Pathways


    Porting Your Existing Business into New Earth Structures


    1:1 Mentorship/Coaching Container for Business Energetics/Mindset/Execution


    Year-Long New Business Group Council Journey - Empowered Creation

Hello, beautiful courageous Soul.

I am Kat. I am a channeler of galactic consciousness, ancient wisdom teacher, and business mentor for New Earth paradigm business owners.

The Pyramid Codes came as the answer to MY prayers. As a serial entrepreneur and no stranger to burn-out, I was ready to run my Soul mission-based business differently. The Pyramid Codes came to rewire me (and all of us) and to guide Lightworkers/ healers/ creatives/ wayshowers/ impact-makers/ Spiritual entrepreneurs to disconnect from the matrix and plug us into the Net.

The Pyramid Codes is a subsidiary of my main company, Heart-Powered Living. HPL is dedicated to guiding spiritual seekers to live from the Heart. Through it, I work with individuals, groups, and organizations to shift humanity from living ego-driven lives to becoming glorious embodiments of our Souls. The Pyramid Codes is an extension of this work with a focus on the entrepreneurial journey.

Through The Pyramid Codes, I guide women to build thriving business temples that are powered by greater intelligence and force. Together, we create impact and abundance and shift our beloved planet into a new reality.

β€œYour business is not an extension of you. You are the essence that fills the container that is your business. You are not separate. You are the center of your Business Pyramid Temple. Your intention and devotion are the spark that powers it. You are the FLAME KEEPER of your TEMPLE.”

-The Pyramid Codes Guides

The Pyramid Codes teachings are a blueprint for operating in this world both as a creator on a personal level and as a business.


π“‹Ή How to bring Spirit through into our work.

π“‚€ How to bridge physical and spiritual realities.

𓇼 How to anchor your business into the Net.

𓇒𓆸 How to use all the spiritual technology to your advantage.

𓆃 How to receive. How to share. How to co-create.

𓆣 How to shift into the frequency of the visionary for New Earth.

And so much more…